31 Dec 2022 Christmas Greetings from the Future of Belgian Shipping The Royal Belgian Shipowners' Association carried out a Christmas campaign to kickstart its drive to promote the sector in order… Harold Tor-Daenens
19 Aug 2021 The Maypole of Leuven The "Mannen van het Jaar" (men of the year) of the city of Leuven is Belgium's UNESCO immaterial heritage. Every… Harold Tor-Daenens
19 Aug 2021 Boldly Beyond Social Media Apart from the main campaign video, which was shared across various platforms, the #boldlyBEyond campaign launch had shorter clips as… Harold Tor-Daenens
14 Feb 2021 Every Shipment Counts Social Media Accompanying the campaign video, social media cards for the #EveryShipmentCounts campaign were developed in order to showcase the huge diversity… Harold Tor-Daenens
11 Feb 2021 Click Buy Get The campaign comprised a website, and accompanying social media outreach. The aim is to promote the role and contributions of… Harold Tor-Daenens