Who Am I?

An incomplete description.


Communicator. Digitalist. Humanist. Stoic. Thinker. Essayist.
Also an avid gardener, photographer, cook, traveller,
and lover of science, history and the arts.

Born in 1975, in Singapore to a deceptively ordinary middle-class family.

An extraordinarily difficult childhood was followed by an onslaught of Guillain–Barré syndrome in the year 2000. I was paralysed from chest-down for nine months.

I was given a second life after learning how to walk, eat, sit, defecate and urinate. The early period of my life taught me that it is as precious as a young seedling in the frosty spring morning.

For every day of our life, we should live, love, learn, explore – and create.

Loveliests of trees, the cherry now
Is hung with bloom along the bough,
And stands about the woodland ride
Wearing white for Eastertide.

Now, of my threescore years and ten,
Twenty will not come again,
And take from seventy springs a score,
It only leaves me fifty more.

And since to look at things in bloom
Fifty springs are little room,
About the woodlands I will go
To see the cherry hung with snow.

'Loveliest of Trees', A. E. Housman (1859 - 1936)



Project management


Budget management


People management










Social Media Marketing


HTML, CSS, Javascript


Media Relations


Crisis Communications



  • 2013 - NOW: Digital Advocacy, Communications and Marketing Consultant
  • 2019-2021: European Community Shipowners' Associations - Head of Communications
  • 2017-2019: Centre for European Studies CEPS - Head of Communications
  • 2014-2017: GPLUS - Head of Digital - Lead of all digital services such as online reputation, social media campaigns, web strategies.
  • 2014: European Commission - External web consultant - Main institutional portal of europe.eu
  • 2002 - 2013: Education International - Digital Communications Coordinator - Head of department for internal & external communications and campaigns with UN organisations.
  • 2001 - 2002: Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris - Masters in International Relations
  • 2001: National Council of Social Services - Disability Executive - Development of the national disability portal
  • 2001: Asia-Europe Foundation - Moderator, 4th Asia-Europe Summer University
  • 1998: Singapore National Employers' Federation - Marketing Intern
  • 1994: National Parks Board - PR & Marketing Intern
  • 1996 - 2000: National University of Singapore - B.A. (Hons) Arts & Social Sciences in European Studies

German Deutsch


French Français


Mandarin 中文


Hokkien 閩南語


Dutch Nederlands


Cantonese 廣東話



Digital Campaigning

I have more than 19 years of concrete digital campaigning experience in both hands-on and directorial capacities. You get true advice from someone knows the technology and how communications works. Someone who knows how to code, critically examine your UX, has dipped his toes into the digital marketing world and has led development, design and editorial teams. Whether your campaign is a grassroots mobilisation campaign, or an advocacy call in Brussels or Washington, you need someone who understands the issues, the stakes, the platforms, the metrics and the steps.

Digital Health Check-up

Why is my site not higher up in the ranking? How can I get more meaningful engagements with my community? How can I improve my company’s outreach? – I can help answer all these questions and more. I specialise in Search Engine Optimisation and I believe that the first step is always to improve your organic search results before you pay money for it. If you have social media channels and good mailing lists, retargeting your existing audiences from one platform to the next is likewise essential. Any questions, let me know.

Online Reputation Report

Do you want to know what you or your organisation’s online reputation is? The first thing to do is to have an assessment of your search engine results based on specific locations and keywords. This is followed by a social media mapping of your audiences. Based on the insights, we will then be able to work on the steps to improve your reputation and the KPIs we can set to move towards.

Social Media Coaching

I have witnessed the birth of social media and experienced its rise as an insider and an early adopter. Since 2001, I have been giving training on digital adoption and community management and the different social media platforms for the use of corporate communications, media relations, online reputation, corporate social responsibilities and lobbying.

Corporate Communications Coaching

Every organisation is a living organism, figuratively speaking. THe interactions between your organisation with other organisations, your clients and your potential clients need to be constantly nourished with fresh insight, creativity and positive energy. How can we do that? Through content marketing, crowdsourcing of content, employee advocacy, company blog, your CSR partners, social media… the possibilities are endless.

Digital Transformation Communications Audit & Support

Digital transformation goes beyond digital acquisition, which is what technology companies are trying to sell you. Real and deep digital transformation requires an audit of the corporate and internal communications and marketing processes and needs to be looked at carefully. I support digital transformation teams in conducting a research into the current processes and come up with recommendations on the improvement of data and information engagements for different teams in the company after the transformation, feeding into external business intelligence data sources.


Checklist of expertise

Coaching in Corporate Communications
Coaching in Corporate and Employee Social Media
Corporate Communications Editorial Support and Planning
Digital Campaigning
Digital Health Check-up
Direct Marketing Support: Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor
Digital Transformation Communications Audit and Report
Human Resource Digital Audit Support
Online Reputation Report
Search Engine Advertising: Google Analytics, Google Adwords
Search Engine Optimisation: Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools
Social Media Marketing and Advertising: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat
Social Media Content Production and Support
UX Audit
Digital Business Development
Management consulting & advice

Past collaborations

C-level Executives
Campaign Director
Corporate Communications Director
Public Affairs Director
HR Director
International or national government organisations and agencies
International or national non-governmental organisations
Multi-national companies
Grassroot leaders and agencies
Recruitment agencies

"We will ask the critics to be serious for once, and remind them that it was not so long ago that the Greeks thought – as most of the barbarians still think – that it was shocking and ridiculous for men to be seen naked. When the Cretans, and later the Spartans, first began to take exercise naked, wasn’t there plenty of material for the wit of the comedians of the day?"

'The Republic' - Plato (380 BC)